Thursday, July 13, 2006

More out than in

Sometimes when it is holiday season and there is not much happening in the office, you find that there is more going on outside. I wonder what these guys think about their work environment:

They hang suspended around 190 meters high above the ground with the sun shining in their faces and a breeze of summer fresh air. But is the air that fresh? Is it really? All the time? Well certainly not when there is a huge paper warehouse burning down about a mile away. This warehouse has been burning since last night and is apparently continuing to burn until the weekend:


Blogger altitude zero said...

Well I would find it the most terrifying job in the world. I would rather feed hungry lions... or indeed be a fireman. That would be far more relaxing than hanging in a basket, half a mile up the side of a building.

3:06 PM  

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